Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Two Sins, One Way

The Children of Israel were led out of bondage to Egypt and into the Promised Land by the hand of God.  He freed them, provided for them and established them in the land.  But, Israel did not remain faithful to God.  They sinned in turning away from Him.

In fact, they were guilty of a double sin: "My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water" (Jer 2:13).

Israel sinned in turning their backs on the God of their Fathers, who  freed them from slavery and delievered them to a land of plenty.  They sinned again by trying to provide for themselves in the land by making treaties with godless nations instead of relying on the God of Abraham.

America was formed as "one nation under God" and God has blessed America above all other nations.  But we are steadily turning away from him, relying on foreign trade and treaties as we move toward a "One World Order."  We are guilty of the same double sin - a combination that even predates Jeremiah, going back to the tower of Babylon, where they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city with a tower that reaches to the heavvens, so thatt we may make a name for ourselves." (Gen 11:4).

Countless individuals make the same mistake of turning away from God, who desires to give us abundant life, trying to go it on our own.  Many truly think they are the captains of their own destiny and that they can insure their own futures.  We turn to our gods of money, education, power, etc. - only to discover in the end that these were not really gods at all, having no power to save or give life.  Jesus is "the way, the truth, the life" (Jn 14:6a) - everything else promising life or to provide a way is only posing as truth.

There is only one Source of life, only one way to the Kingdom and "no one comes to the Father except through [Jesus]" (Jn 14:6b). Jus' Sayn.

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