Thursday, May 21, 2015

Second Sight

I do not believe that there is proof of God's existence nor proof of the atheist's nihilistic view of Deity.  Proof of God would demand his visible presentation in all his glory, which is beyond our power to demand and beyond man's capacity to endure, "for no man may see me [God] and live" (Ex 33:20).  Proof of his non-existence or the general view of evolution would require us to be present at the beginning or to reproduce the beginning, neither of which are possible.

We are left with the theory or belief of evolution based on interpretation of evidence or the belief or faith in God based on a different interpretation of the same evidence.  The universe is what it is, how we interpret what we see is where the difference lies.  No one gets to live by primary sight (proof) but all live by second sight (faith) just as the apostle  Paul wrote 2,000 years ago, "we live by faith, not by sight" (2 Cor 5:7).

This "faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance of what we do not see" (Heb 11:1), whether we are talking theology or atheism.  We cannot see what it is that we have confidence in but only evidence that our faith is well founded.  It is a bit like a hunter following the paw prints of a wolf.  He has not seen the wolf and is not able to produce the wolf at that moment, but he is convinced by the evidence a wolf does live in this area.  Someone else might counter saying, "That is not evidence of a wolf but of a dog.  There are no wolves here, only dogs."

What makes the hunter certain it is a wolf, not a dog, without seeing it?  The size of the prints, the pattern or gait of the print, the shape of the print, etc.  The hunter takes all this evidence and knows by second sight, by faith, there is a wolf.  The hunter sees the design or pattern of a wolf and believes.

When I see the design of the universe, I am convinced by that second sight that there is a Designer.  When I notice that there are laws by which the universe operates, I conclude there must be a Law Maker.  When everything in the universe is conducted in an orderly way, I must believe that there is a Conductor.  When I consider the evidence of the universe, I find no room for mindless, directionless, purposeless existence arising out of nothing, going nowhere.  I see God's fingerprints all over it.

Can I prove there exists the God of the universe?  No.  But by faith, by this second sight, I am convinced.  You must also take stock of the evidence of the universe, including intangible things like love and spirituality, and come to a conclusion of faith in God or faith in nothing - everything came from one or the other.  Jus' Say'n.

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