Thursday, September 1, 2016

Strength and Dignity

Missy Franklin is a multi-gold medal Olympic champion with a University of Berkly education and lucrative endorsement deals.  But Missy has something much more valuable than all of that, something that is reflected in a tiny inscription inside her brightly colored swimming goggles: "With Strength and Dignity."

Pulled from the pool during a workout at the Pan Pacific Championships in Australia and carried back to her motel room, unable to move she was struck with the realization that she was not in control and that she needed to give everything over to God.

Knowing that she cannot control everything but can trust in God has allowed her to be satisfied with doing her best whether her performance is up to her usual standards or not.  She works hard to achieve the strength and endurance needed to win but chooses to face the outcome with the dignity of one who trusts in the Lord.

Missy's mantra comes from the pages of the Bible that talks about the character of a worthy woman: "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come" (Prov 31:25).  While she appreciates all the advantages and opportunities her swimming skill has afforded her, she puts her trust in God alone, which allows her to face the future unafraid, regardless of the current turn of events.

At a very young age, Missy has learned the secret of a truly blessed life.  She has come to accept and appreciate what God has given her but not to put her trust in herself or what she has.  She has chosen a path, which keeps God in her sights at all times: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight" (Prov 3:5-6).

Whether you are young or vintage, male or female, skilled or novice; I encourage you to walk this path, following in the steps of Jesus, unafraid, confident that wherever he leads you, you will be on solid ground.  Jus' Say'n.

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