Friday, March 31, 2017


God has one great desire: Reconciliation - the return of mankind to relationship with himself.  "He is not willing that any should perish but that all come to repentance" (1 Pet 3:10).  Therefore, godliness requires that reconciliation be a prime mover to us as well. 

Instead, we too often settle for conciliation as a poor substitute.  The difference being that reconciliation is to restore relationship while conciliation is simply to end the conflict. 

Divorce is conciliation as it ends the struggle (actually it ends a struggle while initiating many others).  Not talking to one another can make it seem peaceful, but the divide may be widening in the quiet and a storm brewing. 

Reconciling a checking account can be difficult, time consuming and frustrating.  It is much easier to simply toss the ledger in the trash and not deal with the divide between your record and the bank's.  Except that, the divide continues to grow until one day your account is overdrawn and you are accruing overcharges.

Reconciliation may be more much more difficult to accomplish and can be more painful in the process than conciliation but the results are restorative, healing and God-honoring.   

Don't settle for a false peace of quiet that allows the divide between you and others to widen.  Don't sell yourself, your family, friends and acquaintances short - let God's aim of reconciliation be your goal.  Jus' Say'n.

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