Monday, January 4, 2016

Wholesome Talk

Wholesome is not a word you hear much anymore apart from advertisers trying to hawk a particular item of food: "Try our sugar-coated chocolate bits with marshmallows fortified with wholesome vitamins" or "complete your breakfast of our zero-food value product with the wholesome goodness of milk (which has had all the enzymes processed out by pasteurization).

Wholesome is injected into the marketing strategy to get us to believe that their processed, nutrient free but tasty product is actually good for us because they have added laboratory-created vitamins or poured milk over it.  And, sometimes the sugar-coated concoction is actually more nutritious that the cardboard box it comes in - but not often.

Before the sexual revolution, wholesome used to be a word used to describe how one should live.  As a people we aspired to have wholesome values, a wholesome lifestyle and wholesome thoughts.  In today's world of gender-blending, homogenous marriages, pornography and casual sexuality; to speak of a wholesome lifestyle is to be prejudiced and bigoted.  It is not politically correct to regard one life choice as wholesome compared to others.  Therefore, wholesomeness becomes lost as a lifestyle concept.

Would you be surprised to hear that I disagree with societal morays?  Would you be surprised to hear me say that wholesome is still a valid concept, that it is the path to being made whole?  A path, by the way, that is established by our Maker and not subject to the whims of mankind?

This is the true nature of wholesome: That which contributes to the wholeness of individuals and societies.  I read through the Book of Ephesians this morning and was struck again by these Spirit-filled words of Paul, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen" (4:29).

Our words, like our deeds, will either work toward building up or tearing down.  We will either aide in the wholeness of another or we will help to cause a fracturing of their spirit.  Kind words, caring words, honest words, healing words, God-honoring words - these are the wholesome words we are to offer to individuals and inject into our cultural conversation.

You know how we tell children who are grunting or whining to "use your words?"  Well, the Bible tells us to use our words also, to intentionally use words that are beneficial and work toward blessing others: Wholesome.  So tell me, what's the good word you're sharing, or are you?  Jus' Ask'n.

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