Pretty much always, when I hear preachers and teachers quote Matthew 6:25, they start out with, "do not worry about your life..." However, that is not how it is written. It begins with, "Therefore, I tell you..." So? What's the big deal? Why mince over a preamble?
The reason it is a big deal is that God included it. If that preamble wasn't important, it wouldn't have been written. Also, as a matter of context, anytime you see the word "therefore," it points to an antecedent, so it becomes important to look backwards in the text to find out what "therefore" is there for.
There are four warnings in chapter six that lead up to the "therefore" of verse 25: 1) Don't give to be seen as generous, 2) Don't pray to appear righteous, 3) Don't fast to look pious and 4) Don't invest yourself in earthly gain.
The entire chapter is written to warn us to not get caught up in the trappings of this world, to not worry about "getting our props" or advancing our image or elevating our position or securing our future. Instead, there is one primary pursuit we should concern ourselves with and allow to take the lead in all we do: Seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness. And, when we do, "all these things [necessities of life] will be added to [us] as well" (v. 33).
The therefore is there for the reason of pointing out the contrast in the self-seeking life and the God-seeking life. Self-promotion leads us down a path that leaves us wanting in the end. Whereas, advancing the kingdom of God in and around your life fills every need.
Perhaps you recall the two paths of Matthew 7:13-14, which this chapter leads into that talks about two paths - one leads to life and the other leads to death. Do you suppose there is any connection? No doubt.
This world is not our home. We are on a mission from God as we journey to our homeland in Glory. We do need supplies for the journey: food, clothing and shelter, but we don't need to stockpile them. Too many worldly goods will just weigh us down. We need to be a bit lighter for the road.
Jus' Sayn.
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