Getting noticed. Getting respect. Getting cred. Getting a prominent place at the table, so to speak, is a real concern for most people. We want to be the rising star, the person to know or the on the "A List." We want the place of honor and we'll do what we have to trying to secure it. We're not above just inserting ourselves in a place of prominence or taking a better seat at the table, as it were.
Punk gang members who have never accomplished one truly productive thing in their lives will demand respect with the threat of violence. College students not having the character, grit or perhaps even the brain power will cheat to get high marks. In the workplace, some are not above taking credit for another's work in order to get praise or secure a promotion.
The problem is that personal promotion or stolen recognition is not built on a secure foundation. It is not substantive or even real. The truth will eventually come to light, your assumptive honor will be exposed and you will be assigned a lower place at the table - you will be humbled. You will "reap what you have sown" (Gal 6:7).
Jesus spoke of the foolishness of self-promotion using a table scene where a man assumes a high place at the table but is directed by the host to give it up to one more deserving and the humility he faced as he was sent to the least spot. Better, Jesus said, to humbly take the least spot and then let the host insist that you move up (cf. Luke 14:7-11).
The universal truth of the matter is that, "God opposes the proud but will lift up the humble in due time" (1 Pet 5:5, 6). We don't need to elevate ourselves, God will take care of that at the right time. And, we can't truly assume a place at the table for God will humble us in due time as well.
It really boils down to a faith thing: Do you trust in God to honor you at the right time and in the proper way or, not trusting Him, do you insist on taking matters into your own hands now?
Jus' Askn.
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