The psalmist asks, "Who may stand in the Holy Place?" (Ps 24:3b). Who is it that God accepts as righteous? Who is it that can lay claim to being Christlike or truly Christian? We tend to answer that question in terms of church attendance and compliance to doctrine. The one who attends church regularly, gives faithfully, worships God correctly, performs the right rituals religiously, etc.
We place a high premium on what one does at the church building. We even say things like, "She's so faithful - always there every time the doors are open." Or, "He such a fine Christian - one of our most faithful givers." If you speak up in Bible class regularly, that's a bonus. But is all that how God determines our faithfulness or righteousness? Not really. You can do all that and be nothing more than a hypocrite or what many today would call a poser.
For God, the question is answered more outside the church building than in. In Psalm 24:4, He reveals that it is, "The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god." In other words, the one who treats other justly out of good motives while trusting in God rather than worldly alternatives such as money, power or fame (our contemporary idols).
God is concerned with why you do the right thing, not just that you do it. He is concerned that you have faith in Him not just a belief He exists. God looks much deeper than the action or the words we use, He looks all the way into the heart and soul (1 Sam 16:7; Heb 4:12, 13).
It is not really what you do or what you believe, it is who you are and how you live. To put it in the words of the contemporary book "Not a Fan," it is not in being impressed with Jesus on some level, it is truly being a follower of Jesus that we are drawn to God. Your thoughts, words and deeds change because you heart is changed. You go and do what The Lord of your life leads you to.
Who or what is your life devoted to?
Jus' Askn.
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