Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Living Dead

These days, when I hear politicians speak, what I mostly hear is, "Blah, blah, blah, blah..."  Or, to say it another way, empty words.  They talk about what they plan to do for the country and then usually end up doing for themselves.  It is so obvious that their political life is self-serving - it is lived for their own benefit.

The Muslimists, meaning that part of the Muslim community bent on radical and violent Jihad, claim they follow the religion of peace.  They yell something akin to "Allah is great and merciful" just before they cut someone's head off.  Yeah, they live for peace, they long for mercy - not!

But thanfully, all of us who shy from the political limelight and embrace Christianity are not hypocritically living one way while laying claim to another.  Thankfully, we do not have our selfish aims in the forefront of our daily lives.  Thankfully, we live for Christ daily, seeking to advance his agenda of bringing peace, mercy and salvation to a world lost in sin.  Right?  Right?

Oh, did I step on a few toes, other than my own?  Did my words shine a light on the painful truth that we, even as we claim to live for Christ, so often chose to do things solely on what we want, disregarding what our Lord might have us do or others might need?

Jesus wants us to "live life to the full" (John 10:10) but the full life is one that is lived in the shadow of the cross, in view of righteousness.  Otherwise, we are are the walking dead. As Paul affirmed: "Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey —whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?

It's our choice paid for by His life given on the cross. Walking righteous or walking dead. What do you choose?  Jus' Askn. 

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