Monday, December 8, 2014

Small Things

The story is told of two men meeting on a path near Hodgenville, Kentucky the morming of February 12, 1809, where one asks the other, "Any much happening around here?"  The other replies, "Not much, just a baby boy born over at Tom Lincoln's place.  Nothing much ever happens around here."  Not much, just the birth of a man who would forever change the landscape of American culture.

Imagine a similar scene after the birth of Jesus: "Anything much happening around here?"  "Not much, just a baby boy born to a carpenter and his wife in a stable.  A bunch of shepherds are stirred up about it but you know unreliable they are, not even allowed to testify in court.  Nothing much really ever happens around here."  Not much, just the birth of the One who would change the course for humanity for all time and eternity.

Small things are happening all around us, like tiny seeds dropped into the ground that can easily go unnoticed but may grow up into large plants, providing food for many.  Small starts to what may become very big deals.  Jesus picked 12 nobodies who are still talked about and whose words are still studied two thousand years later - 12 nobodies who turned the world upside down.

In and around your life, small beginnings may be setting the stage for great opportunities.  Today, as you go about doing what you've done so many times before, may be the day that something great is set into motion.  Today you may have a divine encounter with someone the Lord desires you encourage on his way or assist in the moment that will chage the course of his life or yours.  In the midst of our disclaimer, "Nothing much ever happens around here," may be the start of something wonderful.

The Psalmist declared, "The Lord has done it this very day, let us rejoice today and be glad" (Ph 118:24).  And the prophet Zechariah warns, "Who dares despise the day of small things...?" (Zech 4:10).  Babies being born who will change the world, ideas shared that will change lives, opportunities began that will bless nations, who knows what small things will happen today that will cause ripples extending into eternity.

The answer is that only God knows for sure but we can be alert and keep watchful in prayer as we approach our day, seeking God's direction as we encounter another day of small things wherein we may be a part of changing someone's life forever by taking a moment today.  Today, and encouraging word from you may be the nail that another is able to hang their last hope on.  Today, a small gift from you may be the blessing that restores hope in one who's hope is all but gone.

Enter today prayerfully and carefullly watching for ways to make a difference.  Don't wait for big opportunities to do something, do something today.  Don't despise the day of small things, instead, rejoice and be glad in them.  Jus' Sayn.

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