Friday, April 1, 2016

April Fool's Day

Urban Legend from the Internet insists that a Florida judge ruled against an atheist suing for a special day as counter-balance to religious holidays such as Christmas, stating there was already a day set aside for them.  The story ends with the plaintif's lawyer objecting, saying he was not aware of any such day to which the judge retorted, "Certainly there is, Psalm 14:1 clearly says that "The fool says in his heart there is no God," so April 1st, Fool's Day is it.",, an Internet fact-check site, insists the Urban Legend is "False."  However, just because it is a myth doesn't mean it contains no truth.  To believe that there is no God, that everything came when no substance and no power suddenly exploded non-existing gasses, causing non-existing dust to fly randomly through a non-existing space creating an endless universe filled with seemingly unlimited planets and stars and galaxies that move together in an orderly way according to laws set by no one or no thing is certainly the a fool's decree.

Although admitting that I am not a scientist, my academic pursuits did include enough for me to become familiar with the First Law of Thermodynamics, which says, in part, " can be transformed from one form to another but cannot be created or destroyed."  This law insists that, in the natural universe, nothing can be created or destroyed and yet here we are looking at everything being created from absolutely nothing, acted on by a power when there was absolutely nothing to act.

Since there is no way, in the natural world, that anything, let alone everything, could have come to be, there is no escaping the fact that the beginning must have come from the Supernatural, something or someone super (above and beyond) what we see in the natural world about us (i.e. God).  To deny this obvious truth is patently foolish and, if a day were to be set aside for those who say there is only the natural, it would seem that April Fool's Day would be as good as any.  Jus' Say'n.

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