Tuesday, November 8, 2016

After The Vote

So, Election Day is here.  For me it was actually yesterday during early voting, knowing today has more in store for me than I can say grace over already.  But, the votes haven't started being counted, that will be after close of polls today.

Then what?  Well, I'm not sure altogether but I hope that there can be an end of some of the foolishness we've had to suffer during this campaign season.  I pray we can lay aside some of the rhetoric of nonsense generated by both sides.  I am looking forward to some level of sanity to replace the polarization each side blames on the other.

I encourage you to vote, if you haven't already.  I hope that you will choose based on your conviction of which direction this country ought to go rather than on con-artistry of either camp.  Both advance a narrative about the other that is one-sided and both highlight only the best about themselves.  The media has not worked to actually uncover the differences between them but only to sensationalize and advance their own agendas.  The moment has come and we need to clear the air and vote.

What I mean is that we need to close our eyes and cover our ears for a moment before we decide and think about what we want to see happen in this country, not whether we believe that Trump is more deplorable or Hillary is more dishonest.  We need to decide if we want the direction to continue in the way that it has been going or take a different route - that is the real choice.

Trump, by the way, will probably move a little to the left and Hillary will probably move a little to the right when the dust is settled but she will be more left and he will be more right, she will be more socialist and he will be more capitalist - neither will be more or less godly than they've been for the last several decades.  We have to decide whether more centralized government is better or more states' rights is preferred.  We have to decide whether the status quo or a new turn is desired.

There are so many real issues for which to cast your vote, moral high ground is not one of them.  Both of them have plenty of immoral and a-moral attributes to eclipse any semblance of that.  Conservative vs liberal and capitalist vs socialist are the real dividing lines.  Vote based on which direction you want us to go but lay your vote before God and rely on His Sovereignty not on your personal decision as to who ought to be President of the United States at this point in history.

While you may be convinced you know which candidate ought to be elected (I certainly do), it is God's choice ultimately "...for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God (Rom 13:1) and therefore after the election we are called to accept His Sovereign choice and then pray for "...all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness" (1 Tim 2:2).

Regardless of who wins the election, Jesus is still King and there is kingdom work yet to be done.  That work is not nearly fulfilled at the ballot box.  The new administration will not address all of the local needs, the church will, as always, have to set about filling the gaps and pointing to the real Source of our hope: Jesus Christ alone!  Jus' Say'n.

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