Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Healing The Nation

I can't believe I sat through the election night coverage until the end, which was about 90 minutes ago.  I knew I should head to bed but I knew I was watching history in the making and I was determined not to miss it.  What some said would be a greater upset than upset than the 1948 Truman victory over Dewey, where the Chicago Daily Tribune's banner headline erroneously read "Dewey Defeats Truman," actually happend: Trump won.

And, I was pleased to see president-elect Trump come out on the stag speaking in humble tones, stating his need for the help of those who were opposed to him, using gracious words regarding Hillary and especially stating the importance of healing a divided nation.  I agree with his sentiment and I hope that he works to bring that about but it will not happen unless we, as a nation, turn to God for that healing.

I hope Trump will direct all the power at his disposal to bring people together and that he will make every effort to bind the wounds of a battered nation and set the fracture of a broken union.  But while I believe that "there is no authority except that which God has established" (Rom 13:1), I do not believe that it necessarily follows that God will bless the nation in which he establishes a leader.  Judgment could come just as easily.

While God may use Trump to bring about healing, it won't happen unless we the people seek the Lord's blessing, looking not unto a political power but rather unto the providence of God to what no man can do without God's blessing: "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land" (2 Chron 7:14).

It is not up to one man but up to a nation, who accepting God's Sovereign power, turn to the Lord, asking Him to use the authority He has put in place to lead them to a place unity and healing.  Will God use Trump to heal our nation?  I don't know, that depends on us.  Are we ready to be healed, are we ready to turn to the Lord?  Jus' Ask'n.

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