Sunday, March 23, 2014

Epic Service

In Mark 14:3-9, we read the narrative of an incident where Jesus was reclining (having dinner at a low table where it was necessary to lay in a reclining position) at the home of a leper named Simon. During the meal, a woman comes in (suggesting she came uninvited and perhaps her status in society) breaking open a bottle of nard (an extremely expensive perfume, possibly her life's savings in a bottle) and pouring it on Jesus' head. 

Some disciples were indignant, saying it was such a waste, that it should have been sold and help given to the poor instead (funny how others know what we should with our money). Jesus did not share their opinion, he told them that the poor would always be around to help but that he was only here now and she had did what she could by helping prepare him for his burial. 

He went on to say something that I find more than interesting, "Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”  Her action would reverberate throughout history - wow!  Why?  

Because, facing rebuke and ridicule, going against the stream of a male dominated culture, knowing the depth of her own unworthiness, wanting desperately to honor her Lord, he broke open her financial hedge against hard times and poured out her self-dependence and self-worth found in that jar of nard upon the head of the Savior. She did what she could - no regret, no reserve.

She left a legacy of epic service - a service that came from the heart and poured out in unfettered love for Jesus. I'm wondering, how many Christians today have done anything like that?  I know some who have but so many more hold back, keep a reserve, try to keep things under their own control. To serve with abandon, not caring what others might say or what it would cost: Epic!  Jus' Sayn. 

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