Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Watchman

The prophet Habakkuk wrote, "I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what he will say to me, and what answer I am to give" (Hab 2:1).  

Habakkuk was using the analogy of an ancient sentry, standing on the city wall, looking about, listening in the night, waiting and watching for a warning or a word of good news to deliver to the people. What was most important for the watchman was that he stay alert and pay attention to what was being communicated by the sights and sounds of the watch. 

Should we continue as usual or take special precautions today?  Should we go to the fields or stay under cover?  Should we take up tools of our trade or implements of war? What answer shall the watchman give?  Hopefully the watchman was not sleeping or distracted during his watch. 

Habakkuk's point is that we are all watchmen, responsible for warning or informing others of God's Word for them. To whom you are responsible for communicating ths Word depends on your sphere of influence. It may be just your family. It may be that you are a teacher with students you are responsible for or a church leader with members to give an answer. It may be the many friends you have or perhaps it is just you. 

Regardless of to whom you are personally responsible for, you are tasked with listening to the Lord speak and warning those in your sphere of influence. To do this, you must be faithful to your watch. You must be spending time in prayer, giving yourself to the study of God's Word, listening to the Spirit within, paying attention to the words of faithful Christians and even the circumstances around you. 

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being that you may know how to answer everyone" (Col 2:2-6).  Jus' Watchn. 

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