Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Yielding To God's Will

While there are times we simply do not know or understand what God wants of us in a particular instance, often times we know but simply don't like what we are hearing. 

I have know a fair amount of individuals, over the years, that went from church to church and from minister to minister, looking for agreement with their choice to divorce their mate rather than work on the relationship. 

I have know others who leave a church when their lifestyle is challenged rather than review their lifestyle choices and consider making some changes. So many want to find agreement with their wants or choices rather than the truth, which may cause them to yield to God's will. 

In stark contrast to this desire for personal choice over yielding to God's will stands Abraham, who was asked to sacrifice the beloved son of promise, Isaac.  Can you imagine what went through his mind as God gave him the command to sacrifice the son he had waited for all his life, the son who was to be his heir and the one to carry on his lineage?

If Abraham had been like so many others, he would have concluded that He must have been mistaken as Gid would never ask such a thing. He would have reasoned that he had misheard as God only wanted him to be happy. He would have found so e reason to refuse to God's will. 

But that's not how the story goes: "'Do not lay a hand on the boy,' he said. 'Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son'"(Gen 22:12).  Abraham obeyed and because of his faithfulness, the Messiah came to the world through his lineage. What about you?  Are you ready to fully yield to God's will?  Jus' Askn.  

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