Thursday, July 31, 2014

What's Your Plan?

It is taught and common sense seems to dictate that in order to be successful, we need to set goals and make plans on how to reach them.  Yet experience often proves that goals and plans can be sidetracked in a moment.

I had the goal of becoming a hospital administrator.  My plan, which I was actively working, was to enlist in the Air Force into the medical admistration field and take collge courses along the way until I retired with a degree and 20 years experience.  All was on track for that goal until I began to feel a burning desire to preach.  Six years in the military and two years of business college side tracked in a moment.

What the Bible has to say on the subject is this: "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps" (Prov 16:19).  We make our plans but God determines our outcomes.  That being so, why make plans at all?  Why not just wait until God reveals his perfect plan for us?  Because God reveals his plan along the way.  And, what seems unrelated to his plans for us may be an integral part of directing our steps.

My years in medical admisitration in a military hospital seem, on the surface, to have little to do with the ministry path I have been on for decades now.  However, when you consider that I am a clinical chaplain with the responsibility of overseeing efforts to provide service to veterans, it all seems to fit.  My path, however winding it may seem, brought me to this place in life - a career and a ministry for which I am rather uniquely qualified.

Why make our plans?  Because God blesses our plans as we walk according to his will.  Back to Proverbs 16, "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans" (v. 3).  The Lord guides and blesses those who are moving forward not those who are holding back waiting for everything to be worked out for them in advance.  

We need to make our plans, proceed with them seeking God's direction and then adjusting our will, our plans and our goals to his along the way.  Jus' Sayn.

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