Sunday, April 19, 2015

Just Stand There

I grew up in a world of catch phrases to live by: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."  "Don't cry over spilt milk."  "Measure twice and cut once."  "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."  "You don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask of the ole Lone Ranger and you don't mess around Jim."  No, wait, that last one was a Jim Croche song.  But you have to admit that don't spit into the wind part is important.

Sorry for the departure, I just couldn't resist.  Back to the point: There was one particular catch phrase that seemed to be my Dad's favorite and one that you, no doubt, have heard many, many times as well - "Don't just stand there, do something."  That particular phrase is an American iconic thought.  It reflects the pilgrim spirit, the spirit of our Founding Fathers, the spirit of our Industrial Revolution, the Spirit of American Exceptionalism.  It is a catch phrase that symbolizes the birth and development of this nation.

However, it is not necessarily a good idea in and of itself.  I think it led to our entanglement in Mid-East.  I think it is the driving force behind the Nuclear proliferation deal with the Iranians, even though we know that have not, are not and never will live up to any agreements with the West.  But at least we're trying - right?

Yes, we're trying but are we listening?  Are we listening?  Are we listening to what they are saying, are we listing to what history has said and, most importantly, are we seeking after the Word of the Lord?  The deal would be something, just like the preemptive strike on Iraq was something.  But is it something we ought to be doing.  What if, instead, we left the sanctions in place, called the nation to a period of national prayer.  And, waited to see what the Lord would direct?

Of course, such an idea is radical.  Such radical minds as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln along with every president since with the exceptions of Jefferson and Jackson (both believed prayer to be a private not national matter), who have signed a Day of National Prayer Proclamation.  Which, by the way is May 7th this year.  It is a radical idea and one, though endorsed by proclamation, it doesn't seem endorsed by actual preference.

I know we don't, as a nation, really seek God's word before acting anymore and not for a very long time.  I also don't expect to see us do that anytime soon, if ever.  However, what if you and I began to do that faithfully in our own live?  What if, when there didn't seem to be a good way forward, blocked to the right an left and no way to really retreat, we stood stood there and didn't do anything.  What if we looked to and listened for the Lord's word and watched to see what he would do?

This is not just an idea I've conjured up to muse about, it is a biblical principle that has been lost on American in modern times: “Now then, stand still and see this great thing the Lord is about to do before your eyes!" (1 Sam 12:16).  "Be still an know that I am Lord" (Ps 46:10).  The idea isn't just to do nothing, it is to seek out the Lord's will, prepared to do what he directs when he directs it, but to stand still, not doing something, until then, trusting in him over self.  Jus' Say'n.

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