Thursday, April 23, 2015


Although you don't see the rubber bracelets much anymore or see the letters WWJD bandied about like they were a few years back, I still hear people raise the question, especially on the Internet: What would Jesus do?  I have witnessed it especially in connection with the question of homosexual lifestyles and gay marriage, suggesting that Jesus would love and accept them just as they are.  The argument extends to the entire LGBT community.  WWJD with the LGBT community?  The answer given is that he would support and encourage them just as they are, just as God made them.

How can anyone argue with that?  Didn't God make us all?  And, doesn't "God so love the world that he sent his one and only Son that whosever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life: (Jn 3:16)?  Well, I actually can argue with their conclusion of WWJD as I believe they are actually operating on WIWJTD (what I want Jesus to do).  They pose the question and then insert the answer that comes from their own desire.

Answering WWJD is not accomplished by simply inserting your desire or opinion.  The answer to WWJD is found in discovering WDJS (shat did Jesus say?).  And, in regard to the LGBT assertion that only Moses and Paul spoke out against the homosexual lifestyle (note Lev 18:22; Rom 1:26-27), not Jesus himself, I first would say that as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit, their words are the words of Jesus.

However, I can also say that Jesus spoke personally on the subject of the homosexual marriage and whether one has a choice in sexuality.  WDJS?  He said, "from the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female ,’ and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'.  So they are no longer two, but one flesh..." (Matt 19:4-6).  God's design, from the beginning, was male and female to become one flesh - two halves becoming one whole, able to continue the human race through procreation - something one half cannot do.  One man plus one woman equals one whole.  One man plus one man equals two halves.

Also, in regards to choice, Jesus said, "there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven" (Matt 19:12).  Jesus put the whole notion of sexuality in the realm of choice.  He said that some choose to put sexuality on the shelf for life for the sake of the kingdom of God, regardless of how they were born.

We see this ability to choose played out daily.  Men and women who are sent to prison often "change teams" while incarcerated and then change back when released.  I have known of a good many individuals over the years that chose to change lifestyles.

Do we really want to say that people should remain the way they were born?  Should someone born with pedophile tendencies go with that?  Should one born deaf refuse attempts to correct the anomaly?  The T in the GLBT is for transgenders - people who choose surgery to alter the way they were born.  I don't agree with the decision but I certainly agree that they have a choice these days.

My point is that when people argue WWJD?  They should then read his words to find out WDJS?  Jesus' words, not our desires or our opinions, reveals WWJD.  He does love everyone and we should love everyone.  But that doesn't mean that we have to love or agree with their choices.  I can accept your right to choose and still believe you are wrong.  I can do this while respecting you and your right to choose.  And God can love us as we are enough to call us to change to what we should be.  Jus' Say'n.

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