By a pool near the city gate, where cripple beggars lay hoping for healing or a handout, a man who had been paralyzed for 38 years encounters the Christ.
Jesus asks him a question that might seem an odd, "Do you want to be healed?" (Jn 5:6). You would think it would be obvious and one would be tempted today to reply, "Duh" or "Ya think?" But the answer was not self-evident.
Many people become dependent on their limitations and cling to them like an old friend. Some are more comfortable with "the devil they know than the devil they don't know." For instance, "If I wasn't so heavy, others would expect me to do more or better." Or, "If I completed a degree, I'd have to compete at a higher level."
Why do you think so many are living on welfare? Because they think it provides the best life possible or because they know it provides a living they understand and have grown comfortable with?
Is there a limitation you cling to? How would you answer Jesus' question? God can "do more than you can ask or imagine, according to His power at work within you" (Eph 3:20) but are you willing? Think about it, do you want to be healed? Jus' Askn.
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