Wednesday, August 23, 2017


I listened to a science professor speaking at a graduation in which he said that it was scientifically proven that we all came from the same source, that the idea of races is a myth - there is only one race: The Human Race.  He went on to illustrate this truth with the example of a Great Dane crossing with a Chihuahua and coming out with a dog.  When a man and a woman mate, they produce a human child, period.

The difference in the color of our skin, the professor went on to say, was a product of the degree of sun impacting us due to longitude and latitude and climate - basically the amount of exposure to ultraviolet rays.  We are not different races but one race from different parts of the globe.

This scientific fact squares with the biblical truth that God is our Father, the One Source of all mankind.  We all originally came from the same spot on the globe but as we moved out, we were exposed to different environmental conditions that began to change our outward appearance but not our inward being.

All of the tension and violence surrounding race begins to look more foolish than ever considering there aren't any racial divisions, that we all are of one race.  This oneness is further advanced by the prayer of Jesus "that all of them [his followers] may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you" (Jn 17:21).

There is One God, who created one mankind and calls us all to be one human race.  Isn't it time that we listen to the truth about ourselves and stop the nonsense of racial division that is really a laughable distinction over the degree of darkness of each other's tan?  Jus' Ask'n

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