Thursday, September 7, 2017

Over The Horizon

Regardless of how clear the sky, you just can't see past the horizon.  When the eye meets the curvature of the earth, that marks the end of one's vision.  In order to see past that point one has to move in that direction so has to get past that part of the curve.  Simple principle: Man cannot see beyond the bend, regardless of how hard he squints.

I've noticed as the meteorologists have a real limitation in predicting the landfall of Hurricane Irma.  I just looked at a USA Today article posted an hour earlier that said, "It could be on a collision course with Sough Florida over the weekend."  The fact is that the weather gurus cannot predict even 12 hours out with certainty.

However, those same scientific folk are assuring us they can predict the temperature within a degree in 50 years and the rise of the ocean levels accurately around the world two generations out.  Really?  I must say that I doubt their accuracy at predicting increases as the curvature of time increases.

Even more arrogant than their scientific prowess of predicting beyond our ability to see, is there lofty belief they can actually control climate change and determine the temperature beyond the curve.  As climate change has been occurring as far back as evidence can reveal, how is it that we are going to stop it?  Could we have stopped the last Ice Age or the ones before that?

How do we even know what the normal temperature of the planet is supposed to be?  How can we know if we are not in the beginning of the end of another Ice Age?  Is man really able to determine the weather patterns and changes in the seasons from one place to another?  Really?

What is true is this: "Since no one knows the future , who can tell someone else what it to come?" (Eccl 8:7).  We cannot tell the future, let alone determine it.  As we've seen with weather predictions, we "do not even know what will happen tomorrow" (Js 4:14).  We certainly cannot control beyond the curve.  "As it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes" (v. 16).

So, what do we do about the future?  We trust in God and do his will, which will include being caretakers of the planet, making our best decisions about waste management, fossil fuel consumption, agricultural chemical use and land management.  But let's not think that we will determine the future weather patterns or global climate change.  Only God can truly do that.

Instead of arrogantly believing ourselves capable of seeing past the curve and determine what the planet will or will not do, let us humbly bow before the Creator, asking for his blessing and then being responsible in the management of the resources he gives us?  Jus' Say'n.

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