Thursday, October 3, 2013

It's My Life

It's my life, my decision, what I do is nobody's business but mine!  Really?  When one chooses to have an abortion, is no one else's life impacted?  Really?  What about the baby's father, grand parents or the baby?  If you choose to abuse drug or alcohol, are not our roads less safe, children more at risk, hospitals more taxed?  If you choose to be a deadbeat dad, don't others have to take up your slack?

John Donne once wrote, in part, "No man is an island, entire unto himself.  Each is a piece of the continent, a bit of the maine.  Each man's death diminishes me."  As Christians, the apostle Paul affirms, "For we are all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body....If one part suffers, each part suffers.  If one part is honored, each part rejoices" (1 Cor 11:13, 26).

No one lives in a vacuum.  If I throw a rock, it may hit someone. If I throw a fit, I may wound someone.  If I throw my life away, others may be sucked down along with me. Like it or not, there is a ripple effect in everything we do, whether good or bad. 

Our lives are intertwined. In that light, the question is not, "What will I do with my life?" Rather, "What will my choices do to the lives of those in my circle, including myself?"  Bringing it closer to home, "How are my choices impacting my circle?"

Jus' Sayn. 

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