Friday, October 18, 2013

Seeing God

There's an interesting statement at the end of the book of Job in chapter 42, verse 5, "My ears have heard of you but now my eyes have seen you."  What makes it interesting to me is that when Job had been so greatly blessed, he only heard of God but through his suffering, he came to see God. 

That's the reverse of how we normally think. When things are going well, we tend to feel God is with us. When things are falling apart, we wonder where God is, why He has left us. But the truth is that God walks with us always but we can come to know Him and learn to trust in Him more in times of struggle. 

I know, for me, it has been in my worst periods of struggle that I learned to lean in closest to God and out of adversity I have seen His power working most clearly in my life. God is always with me, but as I look back, I see His hand holding me up and lifting me out of the muck that was pulling me down. 

My point?  When you are in the middle of calamity, instead of angrily or fearfully wondering where God is, prayerfully and trustfully know He is there, holding on to you as you "walk through the darkest valley" (Ps 23:4. NIV).  God has not promised to take you around, over, under or out of the dark period but to walk with you through it. So then, we don't need clarity in the dark but faith. For "the righteous live by faith" (Rom 1:17).

Jus' Sayn. 

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