The reason for the great divides I have seen have hardly ever been over any great theological disagreements like the divinity of Christ or the inspiration of the Bible. Mostly the separations have come over style of worship, the type of music employed or a minor doctrinal position elevated to salvation status. These religious requirements are imposed and utilized as a litmus test of true discipleship.
But are these religious standards sent down from above? Has the Lord set up untold and minute religious barriers to Christian unity? Does one need a degree in religiosity in order to please God. What does God, not the church or other Christians, require of us?"
I would suggest that we turn to the Bible, if I may be so bold, in order to find the truth of this matter: "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8).
Hmmm? Seems like God doesn't understand how complicated religion really is, that He hasn't considered the vast number of rules and regulations necessary to create a cohesive Christian faith, that He is just too simplistic - perhaps we should warn Him about watering down the Gospel?
Or how about we live faithful lives that seeks to treat others justly, offer mercy to those who may offend and who seek only to humbly journey along with God and His people. How about that? How about allowing for differences in traditions and seek unity in spirit and in the Lordship of Jesus Christ? Jus' Askn.
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