Thursday, April 24, 2014

Divine Appointments

I was told that she would never agree to see me. She told me herself that she didn't didn't need or particularly want a chaplain to visit. Nonetheless, she agreed to meet with me to the surprise of everyone.

We were to meet for an initial assessment and she could decide if she wanted further visits or not, and if so, how often. I meet with patients from once a month to once a week. After our first meeting, she asked that I come back weekly. 

She has been very forthright in saying that her beliefs and mineare miles apart, that she thinks the Bible is filled with myths and fables and the apostle John "must have been smoking pot when he wrote Revelation."

Nonetheless, she has not only agreed to see me but has chosen the most frequent visit schedule I'm allowed to keep. I wonder if she is as surprised as I am. I don't believe God is surprised at all. I believe we are keeping a divine appointment. 

I have no idea what the outcome of our visits will ultimately be, but she has already shared her life's story with me, including her history, philosophy and theology. 

In the process we have discovered that we were both raised attending the Church of Christ and that we have a mutual friend who attended a church where she directed the choir and later attended a spin off from that church where I served as interim pastor. 

I don't know what will come out of our visits ultimately but I believe God has arranged for our coming together and I have been given an opportunity to be "salt and light" (Matt 6:13-16). It is a divine appointment that I intend to keep faithfully and let God be in charge of the outcome. Are you looking for and keeping divine appointments?  Jus' Askn. 

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