Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Empty Tomb

It was early morning on the first day of the week.  The Sabbath restriction was over and Mary could now prepare the body if Jesus properly for burial. She had all the spices an fragrances needed to accomplish the task but there was no body - the tomb was empty. 

She had already gone back and shared the awful news with the disciples. Peter and another disciple had had come and inspected it for for themselves. They were carrying the dreadful news back to the rest of the group - Jesus was not only dead but now his body would be desecrated. 

As Mary stood outside the tomb weeping, however, she heard a voice from inside the tomb, where two angels sat, asking, "Woman, why are you crying?" (Jn 20:13).  As she began to explain the awful news of fthe Lord's missing body, she turned around to a stranger's voice asking,“Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?” Jn 20:15).

As she related her concern to the man she supposed to be a Gardner,meh spoke her name, "Mary" (Jn 20:16).  She then recognizes him as the arisen Lord. Everything is different though the tomb is still empty. Where moments ago, it was evidence of defeat, now it was proof of victory. Before, all was lost. Now, all is gained. 

The difference?  Now she recognized the Risen Christ was with her.   As you stand before the empty tombs of despair in your life, you can see evidence of failure as well. If, however, you "set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God" (Col 3:1), you too can see proof of victory in Jesus despite the apparent failure or loss of the moment. Christ is resurrected, he stands with you. All is well in his care. Jus' Sayn. 

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