Saturday, June 14, 2014

Against The Tide

We live in a time when righteousness has been turned on its head. Virginity before marriage is seen as an oddity only embraced by theose completely out of step with society.  To accept the biblical definition of marriage where God creates "male and female" with the intention that a "man shall leave his mother's house and become one flesh with his wife" (see Matt 19:4-5), is regarded as hateful and bigoted.

We live in a time where Christianity itself is mocked in the media, banned from our schools and restricted by our government while room is made on the national stage for a religion that calls for the domination or elimination of every other belief system instead of the freedom of religion we enjoy due to our Christian roots. 

We live in a time when our national leaders lie as a course of habit and tell the truth only when and to the degree that serves to advance their own political agenda. Character is no longer given serious  consideration and moral integrity is waved off as of no importance to the ability to govern. 

We live in a time when it is difficult to maintain biblical righteous as the pressure of societal norms weighs heavy and our peers constantly tug and pull us to step outside biblical bounds and live a little. Personally, I'd rather stay within those bounds and live a lot. 

We do live in such a time and the tide of societal norms is definitely flowing against anyone who accepts the biblical truths and seeks to follow Jesus. But this is not something new. Noah lived in a time so bad that "God regretted he made mankind" (Gen 6:6). He was under tremendous pressure to embrace societal norms, "but Noah found favor in the sight of the Lord" (Gen 6:8).

You will have to swim against the tide as the faithful of all ages have done. But like Noah and countless others through the ages, you can do it with God's help. Jus' Sayn. 

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