Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father Knows Best

After Noah was told to build the ark, it would beep be 100 years before the flood would come. Can you imagine the peer pressure his sons would have had to resist?  Can you imagine the jokes, the scorn and the outright laughter they faced on a daily basis?  And yet they continued on, keeping faith with their father, believing he was a righteous man of God.

When they finally had gathered all the animals and entered the ark, contrary to most movie scripts, it was 7 days later before a drop of rain came (see Gen 7:6-10).  And yet, his sons kept faith with their father. They had an unshakable respect for him as a godly man who followed the Word of the Lord and that he deserved their support and allegiance.

When I was young, there was a TV show (in black and white) starring Robert Young called "Father Knows Best."  The premise f the show was that, regardless of the challenges faced, when the dust settled that he really was a good man who had his family's best interest in heart and really did know what he was talking about. 

Today, television shows depict fathers as the least aware in the family. They tend to be bumbling fools who only occasionally make a correct choice by accident and would not have a chance if not for the wisdom and leadership of their wives. Even the kids have keener insight and make better decisions that sad old dad. 

While I wouldn't say that all fathers know best or even that all men who manage to impregnate a woman are fathers, but I will go on record as saying that men who live godly lives, supported by biblical adherence and covered with the Spirit's influence, do know best. They aren't perfect but they are trustworthy. 

Such a man will gain the respect of his family and they will trust  his wisdom and listen to his advice for, in the whole, such a father does know best.  Jus' Sayn. 

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