Saturday, June 28, 2014

Treasure Hunting

For a very few, scouring the seas looking for sunken ships is how they find their treasure.  For others, taking a shovel up to the diamond dig in Murphreesboro is the ticket.  Many go from flea market to flea markett in search of that treasure.  And, of course, let us not forget America's favorite treasure hunt: Garage Sales!  

The reason everyone's searching for treasure is because it's missing.  Right?  I mean, if one has their treasure, they wouldn't be hunting for it.  People wouldn't be using drugs to find it.  They wouldn't be jumping from one sex partner to another to find itt.  They would be enjoying their treasure if they only knew where to find it.

Listen closely.  I know where your treasure is.  That's right.  And, I am going to share that information with you right now so that you won't have to look anymore.  Ready?  Here it is: "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Luke 12:43).  If your heart is where your treasure is, your treasure is where your heart is.

So, what is your heart drawn to?  Money?  Fame?  Power?  Youth? Looks?  If it is any of the above, you are destined to keep searching forever because none of these can fill the place in your heart that seeks the presence of the Spirit of God.

Here's the simple truth, the Gospel or Good News, if you will: When God is our treasure, he fills our hearts and we are satisfied.  We no longer have to keep on searching for it - will are filled up with the greatest treasure possible and the only treasure that can actually live in our hearts.

You can still enjoy garage sales and flea markets and a romp in the muddy diamond fields of Murphreesboro, but you will be enjoying a bit of recreation rather than seeking your treasure, which you already possess.  Jus' Sayn.

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