Friday, August 22, 2014

Meek Not Weak

In Matthew 5:5, Jesus says, "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth."  This passage has led many to the accept notion that Christians are called to be a kind of religious milk toast - mild spoken and easily intimidated.

That picture, however, does not resonate with the example of the apostles who stood up against kings and courts, and willingly died for the sake of the Gospel.  It doesn't match the unyeilding faith of the early martyrs, who sang as the lions were set upon them.  And, it doesn't sync with the Chrisian martyrs of today who die rather than give up their faith or convert at the threat of death in Muslim and Communist countries.

The meek Christian of faith does not sync with the weak picture painted by so many because meek does not equal weak.  The Greek word translated meek comes from the idea of a stallion that has been been brought under submission to its master and often trained for war.  That stallion yeilds to its master's wishes but make no mistake, it it still a powerful creature when it steps onto the battlefield.  At the master's bidding, it charges into the enemy line full tilt and woe to the one who stands in its path.

Meekness, rather than weakness, is power under control of its master.  In the case of the Christian, it is power under the control of the Lord Jesus Christ, which takes its stand against even "the spiritual powers of evil" (Eph 6:12).

This power in meekness is not manifested in seeking to impose itself on others, nor does it lash out when cornered.  This power calmly faces attempts to silence it and the trials that this life pours out over us all.  It is a calm reliance on and submission to the God of heaven and earth.  Jus' Sayn.

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