Thursday, August 7, 2014


In business there is a saying, "Timing is everything."  In other words, having the right product or service is useless if it is not presented or provided at the right time.  This rule holds true in farming as well.  Planting the best seed in the best soil will not result in the best crop if not planted in the best time.  Relationships are no different.  It is important to remember your anniversary, but disasterous when you remember it was yesterday.

In fact, all of life falls under the banner of "Timing is Everything."  And yet, we consistently fail in this area, on purpose, time after time.  For instance, when is the best time to begin eating healthy?  The answer is today.  When do we normally choose to begin?  Tomorrow, Monday, next week, after the holidays, someday, just not today.

When should you begin to exercise regularly?  Today.  When are you going to?  Not today.  When should you give up cigarettes?  Now.  When do you intend to?  Not now.  Is this beginning to sound familiar?  Have I hit on your "timing issue" yet?  If not, put yours in this blank, "I should ____________ and I will start ____________.   The I should part is much easier than the I will part.  We know we should and we intend to but just not now.

Timing is also critical in responding to the Lord.  When a ministry opportunity is laid on your heart, when should you say, "Yes Lord, I'm coming"?  Someday?  When I get more time?  When I get things in order?  When I retire?  Now!

Listen to what Jesus said to one who was given a ministry opportunity and asked for a time waiver: "Another disciple said to him, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.” But Jesus told him, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead" (Matt 8:21-22).

Jesus wasn't lacking in compassion or being dismissive of the man's desire to wait until after his father's death and he fulfilled his responsibility to attend to his affairs, Jesus was simply saying that the ministry opportunity to go with him and his apostle was now, not someday.  

An opportunity to minister to someone in need is when the need exists, not someday.  Saying yes to Jesus isn't always about salvation, it is often about service.  Opportunities to servc are there when presented, not someday.  Life opportunities are there when they arrive, not someday.  Jus' Sayn.

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