Friday, January 2, 2015

Difficult, Impossible, Done

Guess what kinds of things will be coming your way here in 2015 land?  Difficult things!  That right, although we get to start a new year, we don't get to start a new life.  Your life will be an extention of what it was in 2014.  Sorry, this is not the new you, it is the old you in a new year.  And, to make matters worse, the problems you didn't tackle because they were difficult last year, have gotten even more difficult this year.  And, if you leave them unattended long enough, they will look to be impossible.  They may have already become impossible for you to handle.

Let's supposed that you haven't paid your mortgage in the last three months because you couldn't afford it.  Now that you are three months behind, how possible will it be to pay it now?  Perhaps you derailed you diet at Halloween and have been on a holiday eating bing ever since - how easy is that weight control thing going to be this year?  What if you haven't started that project that you intended to have ready to have ready right after the holidays?  Do you see a problem?  Do you see your life?

Perhaps you're thinking, "Well thanks for the cheery thoughts!"  Yeah, well, the truth isn't always cheery.  But, "the truth will set you free" (Jn 8:32).  Knowing that you have avoided the difficult things until they have become increasingly difficult and seemingly impossible - perhaps truly impossible for you at this point, is the beginning point of freedom.

When is the best time to begin controlling your weight, regardless of how much you have to lose?  Yesterday, tomorrow, after the first of the year?  Not!  The best time is today, right now.  If you begin now, you will have results tomorrow and more as you continue day by day.  If you begin working on that project today, it will be completed at the earliest possible date, provided you keep working on it.  Do you see the light of reality, the path of truth here?  What was difficult yesterday, is more difficult today until you begin to tackle it and then it deminishes in size and difficulty daily as you work on it.

Even what is impossible for you is not necessarily impossible to be accomplished if you get some help.  Instead of hiding from your mortgage holder, call him and lay out your problem to see what assistance can be offered.  They are much more likely to work with you if you approach them than if they have to come after you.  And, if it truly impossible for you, it is not impossible for God: "What is impossible with man is possible with God" (Luke 18:27).

I have been in several impossible situations in my life, some very recently, that have worked out despite my inability.  Laying my life before the Lord, doing what I can despite how meager, and then watching to see what God can do with what little I have, increasing it in ways and by means that I could not have forseen.  Four years ago, I had to filed bankruptch, my house was foreclosed on, my truck was repossessed and all my cash was consumed by medical bills in an amount that was completely overwhelming.  Today I have a house that is paid for just recently and am buying another one in a nearby town to which we are moving.  There is even a renter we know and trust ready to move in this house as soon as we move out.

In a slightly different context than President Obama had in mind, "I didn't build that.  Someone else did."  It wasn't me, it was God working through others in ways that I could not have predicted even a few months ago.  We can only do our best but God can do all the rest, even when it seems or even is impossible for us.  It can be difficult, even impossible and still get done.  Jus' Say'n.

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