Thursday, January 15, 2015

What On Earth Are You Doing, For Heaven's Sake?

Cute title, huh?  I can't take credit for it.  It's one I heard or read somewhere, sometime from someone.  I have no idea how I came upon it, only that it is not original with me.  Of course, as one of my professors at Harding once quipped, "Original thought is the product of a poor memory."  In other words, everything we think comes from some other source.

Nonetheless, the title, whatever it's origin, provides a foundation for a very important discussion: What are we doing on planet earth for the sake of God's kingdom?  Are we serving kingdom interests in our earthly existence?  Am I, are you, serving God or self?  These are the questions that you and I need to answer.

To help answer those questions, I would begin by asking how big a role does comfort play in deciding what I will do?  Serving God will often stretch us beyond our comfort zone.  If I am unwilling to serve in uncomfortable situations or places, it is doubtful that God's will is my first concern.  Consider the lives of the apostles and the life of Christ - how big a role did comfort play in what they chose to do?  Answer: Not much.  Remember Jesus' prayer in the garden: "Take this cup from me.  Yet not what I will, but what you will" (Mk 14:36).

How much weight does safety bear on your decision to serve other?  Are you  unwilling to go to places that have some risk attached?  Are you unwilling to be in contact with street people, people struggling with addictions, people in prison, etc.?  Are unstable countries written off your mission list?

Is a mission trip to a third world country out of the question because it will be uncomfortable and risky?  Are you willing to give up comfort and safety to advance the cause of Christ and extend the borders of the kingdom?  We can't go everywhere but are you willing to go anywhere?  If not to another country, how about to another neighborhood?  How about to a third world like journey to an American inner city effort?  How about with the homeless in your own town?

Do you get the picture?  What on earth are you dong for heaven's sake coompared to what your are doing for your own sake?  Do you remember Jesus' words in Matthew 25:45?  "...whatever you did not do for the least of these, you did not do for me."  The least of whom?  The hungry, thirsty, strangers, naked, sick, prisoners - people in uncomfortable and unsafe places (cf. Matt 25:44).  People for whom service would take you out of your comfort zone.

So, what are you doing?  Are you kingdom driven or self-serving?  Jus' Ask'n.

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