Monday, July 10, 2017

Don't Worry

I visited an elderly couple today; she was sick but he was bedridden. Their yard hadn't been tended to in weeks and their house was in worse shape than all. If it had been an animal, a vet would have put it down. If it had been a person, the doctor would have disconnected life support.

They had kids but they were too busy to help and didn't feel comfortable facing the fact that their dad was getting close to death. They belonged to a church but, as the wife explained, our pastor is very busy with the church and his other job. I don't know the excuses others had, I just know the wife said, "I'm so glad you came, I don't get to talk to anyone much these days.

After our prayer at he husband's bedside, she looked down in his weary eyes and said to him in an encouraging tone, "Don't you be worrying about me.  I'll be OK. God will provide for me."

She took Jesus at his word, where he said, "Do not worry about what you will eat or drink or what you will wear...your Heavenly Father knows that you need these things" (Matt 6:31-32).

Living under conditions that many of us worry could happen to us,  worse come to worse, she refused to worry that things might go bad. She wanted for so little, thankful for what she has,  while looking to God for provision in the days ahead.  I wonder just how rich in heavenly treasures she might actually be?  Jus' Think'n.

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