Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Stepping Out

Life has lots of twists and turns. Sometimes we turn a corner and we are caught off guard.  Forward progress seems to have been derailed and we are facing a barrier to big to navigate. Your company is downsizing and you are the one going down. Your spouse is taking a new direction in life that is away from you. Your health goes south while your bills go north.

Whatever it is, life folding in on you bringing you to a halt and leaving you with no clue as to where to turn or what to do. The Israelites had left Egypt with Pharaoh's leave. It appeared they were free to make their way to the Promised Land when they came to the Red Sea and heard the sound of chariots behind them. Life had just taken a turn where the sea boo Jed them going one way and Pharaoh boo Jed them the other.

There was no way out. No vessels to cross the sea and no defense against one of the world's most feared armies. They cried out in fear and desperation. They came to a barrier to in life that afforded no options to continue the journey, or so it appeared. But God was not surprised, he knew the sea would block their way and that Pharaoh would hem them in. And God was providing a way.

Just when all seemed lost and no way could be found, "Moses answered the people, 'Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today'" (Ex 14:13).  Moses raised his staff and God parted the waters of the sea, allowing Israel to proceed on dry ground and then causing it to fold back over on the army of Pharaoh. God made a way when there seemed to be no way.

We serve the same God and he will provide a way for us as well. We don't need to anticipate every turn or overcome every obstacle, rather we need only "Seek first His kingdom and all these things (necessities of life) will be added to you as well" (Matt 6:33).   We need to step out in faithfulness as the Israelites stepped out into the sea and let God display his glory. It may be scary and may not be easy but God will make a way when there seems to be no way. Jus' Say'n.

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