Tuesday, February 3, 2015

True Lies

The core of God's being is truth. In fact, "it is impossible for God to lie" (Heb 6:18).  With Satan, just the opposite is true, "he is a liar and the father of all lies" (Jn 8:44).  With Satan, however, it is not impossible to tell the truth, he simply chooses not to do so.

It's not that what he says is never true, he often uses true statements for the very purpose of hiding the truth. He is not opposed to factual statements, only statements that illuminate truth repel him. For instance, in tempting Jesus, Satan took Him to the highest point of the temple and said, "throw yourself down, for it is written: 'He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone', (Matt 4:6).

What he said was true, take from Psalm 91:11-12, but it was not truth. The truth was that God did not intend for Jesus to grandstand like that, testing his power to save in order to display the wow factor. Jesus spoke truth to the lie conceal in Satan's true statement, which was that we are not to capriciously "put the Lord your God to the test" (Matt 4:7).

It may be true that "one little drink won't hurt anything" but the truth is that an alcoholic cannot stop at one little drink and would compromise his sobriety as that one little drink became a bender. While it may be true that an innocent lunch with a co-worker of the opposite sex is not wrong, the truth may be that an attraction exists, which prevents it from being innocent. It may be true that we don't need to  go to a church building to worship God but the truth is that God commands (Heb 10:25) and we need to be part of an assembly of saints.

The most effective lies are wrapped in truth. A salesman can tell you nothing but true statements about that house or car or thingamajig, yet hide the truth that it isn't right for you, that while you can make the payments, you shouldn't carry that much debt who hasn't purchased something based on true statements of its merits but blind to the truth of its flaws?  You may even have married someone based on all his/her good points presented in dating but lament the truth revealed in marriage.

It is important that what we say is true but vital that we tell the truth. It is also vital that we listen beyond what is true in order to discern the truth. I have often warned young couples to keep both eyes wide open before marriage so they can see the whole package they are buying into. And then I urge them to close one eye after the wedding as they unwrap what they have bought.

There are true lies that are intended to conceal truth and gain advantage or bring harm to another. They are not truth, which comes only from the Father. They are deceptions that come from the father of lies (Satan). Do your best to discern truth and make every effort to speak to truth as this is holy while true statements alone may be unholy and from the devil. Jus' Say'n.

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