Sunday, February 2, 2014

Becoming Enemies

In Galatians 4:16, the apostles asks people, who up til then had loved him, "Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?"

Why would that even be?  Don't we want people to tell us the truth?  Yes and no.  People don't want to be lied to but when the truth you tell doesn't align with another's firmly held beliefs or what they firmly want to believe, it can really tick them off. 

I've been watching a bit of a bru-ha-ha on Facebook, involving a video of a c-sectioned abortion of a 16 week old baby/fetus.  Whatever you want to call it/him/her doesn't change the fact that if the doctor had left it in the womb until it's birthday, it would have been someone's child. 

Whether you see it as a choice or him/her as a child, the truth is that  at 16 weeks, the abortionist/state licensed executioner stops a beating heart that, for the believer, was started by God and for the non-believer, started by the procreative act of two individuals. Whatever - the heart was started and someone was both sanctioned and paid to stop it.

For the believer, life begins when God imparts a spirit, that could be any time from inception forward.  So, unless you are truly able to speak for God on this subject, you would have to agree that abortion is, at best a lucky shot in the dark and, at worst, a state-sanctioned murder. 

In our culture, abortion is a choice.  However, it should be an agonizing choice as you are choosing to end the life growing in your body - a life given by God with an untold purpose, which will forever remain silenced.  If you're not a believer, it's still a life with potential for untold purpose. 

Is inception the moment of personhood?  God only knows - not you or me or the state. I do know that personhood is taken off the table when the abortionist finishes his/her work. Jus' Sayn. 

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