Friday, October 21, 2016

Doing Good

I remember one of my instructors in Harding University's preacher training program back in the day who said, "When everything goes wrong, do something right."  I don't remember anything else he said that day or even what class we we taking at the moment.  But I remember the impact it had on me and the life choice I made that day to make that a daily effort.

I wish I could say I've always lived up to that standard, that I've always made the choice to do right regardless of how wrong things were going or someone else had been.  Truthfully I have chosen to jump in the muck at times instead of staying on solid ground, where I could do some good.  But I can say it has been my idea, my desire, the thing I want to do and most often have chosen.

Why my flesh has been weak at times, this principle has been a polar star for my life that I believe is not only good sense, it is good - period!  It is not just the wisdom of an elder teacher of young would-be preachers, it is the wisdom of God delivered through one: "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers" (Gal 6:10).

Did you notice the "therefore?"  Did you wonder what the "therefore" is there for?  It is a concluding remark following warnings to bear each other's burdens, even when it's due to their bad choices; to not be deceived into thinking it doesn't matter or won't count; to continue doing good, even when all seems so bad; to continue doing good that a harvest of your good actions may be realized in a world that has so much bad.

The Lord doesn't say to do good when all the conditions are right, to do good when everyone else is acting according to script, when you feel up to doing good.  The Lord say to do good as you have opportunity and that opportunity only increases when things and people are going bad.

So, if you're wondering what kingdom good you can do, what purpose God has for you, what you can accomplish in this world a this moment with what you have,  here it is: Look around where you are and take note of what is going on, who is doing what and then do something right.  Return blasting with blessing, freely give when others falsely take, offer hugs instead of hate, genuinely smile at grumpy sneers, do good whenever and whoever and however you can.

While we should favor fellow followers of Jesus, our choice should not end there, only begin.  Choosing good should be the default setting of our lives.  Choosing good should be the major we major on when others major pains or minor distractions.  Don't wait around for some singular good thing to do, just do good every single day, every single opportunity.  Jus' Say'n.

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