An old man, wanting to give Israel something firm to cling to after he passed, Joshua calls them together and reminds them, "not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled" (Josh 23:14). The promises were not necessarily fulfilled immediately or in the way they always imagined, but they ultimately never failed.
David was promised to be king of Israel. It certainly didn't appear that would be the case as he was on the run, hiding from King Saul, who was intent on killing him. Nonetheless, David ruled over Israel for 40 years. Imagine the difficulty of a ragtag band of slaves, wandering in the desert 40 years, holding on to the promise of a land flowing with milk and honey, and yet they did occupy that very land in Joshua's lifetime.
The Lord promises his children, "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you" (Jojn 14:18). You, however, may be up to your neck in the swirling waters of calamity, feeling quite alone, wondering where God is just now. How do you think Abraham felt 24 years after being promised a son that hadn't come? And how do you suppose he felt in the 25th year as he heard Isaac's first cry?
God often passes on coming early, but He never comes too late. Sometimes He comes when it will be clear that only Gid could have worked one's problem out, sometimes He comes when the solution includes others who needed more time to be ready for His deliverance, sometimes He comes bringing a different solution than we imagined; but God never fails to come to His children.
You don't have to know how it will work out or when, you need only trust that God will not leave you to work it out alone.
Jus' Sayn.
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