Sunday, September 8, 2013

Noticed By God

In this world of high-profile celebrities, sports stars, political figures and the "beautiful people," it is easy to feel that the rest of us commoners go unnoticed. There aren't any paparazzi trying to take our picture or news anchors calling for an interview or biographers writing our story. Really, who is going to notice a "C" like me among so many "A" list personalities?

The answer is found in the most unlikely of places: On the branch of a sycamore tree. His name was Zaccheus and he was no one's best friend. He was a hated tax collector, who others went out of their way not to notice. He was also very short, making him easy to overlook.

 When the Messiah came to town (cf. Luke 19:1-10), he was too short to see past the crowd and no one would make room for him. So, he climbed a sycamore tree in order to catch a glance as He walked by. 

But Jesus did not walk by, he stopped near the tree, looked into Zaccheus' eyes and called him down.  Who would notice a "C" like you or me?  The God of heaven and earth would and does.  In fact, He looks so closely and carefully that "even the very hairs on your head are numbered" (Luke 12:7). 

You are noticed.  You are loved. You are a child of God. 

Jus' Sayn

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