In Matthew 25:1-13, Jesus tells the parable of 10 virgins waiting for the arrival of the bridegroom so that they could enter with him into the wedding feast. Five of them had lamps and extra oil, in case he was late coming, five brought no extra oil
They all fell asleep waiting. When the bridegroom approached the virgins awoke and trimmed their lamps but five had no oil and had to go look for some to purchase. While they were gone, the bridegroom led the wedding procession into the feast. The five who were not present were not allowed to enter late.
The principle of this parable applies to all of life. Preparation for a final exam must not wait until the instructor hands out the test packet. Preparation for a particular job can't wait until there is an opening. Preparation for a marathon cannot wait until race day. Preparation is what one does in expectation of the arrival of an opportunity.
This principle finds it's greatest application in regards to the 2nd Coming of Christ. All the books claiming to have an insight as to when He will return are of no true value. All the efforts trying to read the signs of the times are not necessary.
Jesus doesn't give us a particular time to get ready: “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour" (Matt 25:13). He tells us to"be" ready for the time is near, not "get" ready when the time is near. Live like today might be the last for it may be your last even if it's not The Last.
Jus' Sayn.
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