Saturday, October 12, 2013

Where's The Blessing?

You often hear Christians affirm how blessed their lives have become since accepting Jesus as Lord. When asked how they are doing, they may reply, "I'm truly blessed."  Some even have a bumper sticker reading, "I'm too blessed to be stressed,"

Then you look at your own life since you've accept the Lord and wonder where your blessing is?  You're not too blessed to be stressed, you're to stressed to feel blessed. If asked how you were doing, you might answer, "Truly pressed."  

"Why is that," you wonder, "why am I not being blessed?"  Since you've accepted Jesus, your life has actually gone a little south. You may be asking,"What is wrong with me?"

While I cannot speak to the particulars of any one person's life, I do have some answers about blessings in general: 1) Feeling blessed and being blessed are not synonymous.  2) The fruit of blessing may grow in the soil of adversity, 3) Delayed blessing often means greater blessing and 4) While we "are blessed in the spiritual realm with every spiritual blessing" (Eph 1:3), our earthly experience may be one of opposition. 

Consider the prophets of old, who were persecuted.  The apostles lost all their worldly treasures as they gained heavenly ones. Faithful Christians around the world are being martyred to this day. The apostle Paul even warns, "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted" (2 Tim 3:12).

Here's the deal: Satan doesn't want you to realize your blessings. He will try to dampen your spirit with temporary trials. He seeks to divert your attention away from what God is accomplishing in you, through you and for you - don't let him. You are victorious in Christ though the Enemy has not lay down his weapons yet. 

Jus' Sayn. 

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