Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Moving Mountains

If you are as gray as I am, you no doubt remember Elvis crooning, "It's been one hill after another, I've climbed them all one by one.  But this time, Lord you gave me a mountain, a mountain I may never climb...."  And, with all those gray hairs, you have seen your share of hills and faced a mountain or two.

Truthfully, gray-haired or vigorous youth, you may be facing a mountain right now - an event or circumstance to big to overcome.  You may have recently sat across the desk from your boss telling you that your services are no longer needed.  Your spouse may have walked out out your life for good.  You may looking over your bills, wondering which ones you can afford to pay this month or if there is any way to avoid foreclosure.

For all of us, there have been, are or will be be time and circumstances, where we cannot see any way to climb the mountain before us.  Sometimes, it doesn't just look like there's no way over, sometimes there is no way over.  You are facing a mountain too big to climb - you are not going to recover from your cancer, you are not going to save your marriage, you are not going to keep your house.  What then?  What do you do when the mountain is too tall to climb?

Answer?  Don't.  Don't climb it.  Instead, move it.  Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done" (Matt 21:21).  Can't climb that mountain, call upon God's power to move it.  "Whatever we ask for according to His will, we will have it" (1 Jn 5:14-15).

When, in faith, we ask God to change our circumstances according to his will, he will do it.  The mountain we faced will no loner be on our horizon, for our horizon will be changed.  Death will not longer be a threat, money will no longer have power over your life, a particular individual will no longer determine your feeling loved and needed.

When God's will is your will, when his treasure is your treasure, there is no obstacle on earth that will stand between you and God's desire for you: "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well" (Matt 6:33).

Don't try to climb an unclimbable mountain by your own power, move it out of the way by God's power.  Jus' Say'n.

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