Thursday, June 11, 2015

Plan B

In five days I'll turn 60.  I've observed some things long enough to come to a few firm conclusions in life such as, despite what the government calls a free lunch program, "There ain't no free lunch."  Another such sage observation, one on which I want to elaborate, is, "Life is less about plan A and more about executing plan B."

Having ministered to people in the closing days of their lives for years, one of the most common denominators among my patients is the realization that life did not turn out as they planned or thought it would.  They also smile and say, "Well, it never has.  Life has always taken surprising turns."

We start out in life planning to be a lawyer, a doctor, an Indian chief, a cowboy or an astronaut, but most often end up working 9 to 5 in some place where you settled for after you decided to give up pursuing plan A.  A few go on to be that lawyer or doctor or whatever, but even for most of them, it wasn't what they thought.

Plan B is necessarily a bad thing, by the way.  Even settling in is not necessarily selling out.  And sometimes, plan B is absolutely awesome!  Personally I'm in plan C and looking forward to what plan D might bring.  I started out to be career military until the Lord called me to ministry plan B and then I thought I would be preaching for the rest of my days (my D.Min. is in the art of preaching), which ended when the Lord re-directed me to helping people prepare for end of life in hospice - plan C.

My point is that despite all our planning, we are not truly in control of our lives and their outcomes.  Even when you think you're locked in to a career or a way of life, all your plans and your "think so's" may be about to turn upside down or perhaps right side up.  The truth about plan A's and B's and such is summed up by Solomon, "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps" (Pr 16:9).  Bumper stickers notwithstanding, God is isn't your co-pilot.  And, taking a turn on one of George Bush's tag lines, "God is the Decider."

Passing over our plan A and implementing plan B is what God decides for us.  It would, therefore, seem that making a plan A is a waste of time, and it may be at times.  However, there is a way of developing a plan A that will be implemented: "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans" (Pr 16:3).  Put plan A into God's hands.  Seek after and yield to God's will for your life.  Stop proposing plans and start praying for purpose.

Here's the deal: If we willingly put our lives in God's hand, seeking his purposes, whether he endorses your plan A or implements a plan B, you will have the best and most enduring plan. "To humans belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the proper answer of the tongue" (Pr 16:1).  Jus' Say'n.

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