Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Right to be Wrong

So, same-sex marriage is the law of the land.  It is the right of every man and woman to choose to marry the man or woman of their dreams.  So be it.  It is the law and therefore a right but that does not make it right.  It simply means that a law is passed sanctioning the right to be wrong.

You may be surprised to hear it, but I am not particularly opposed to government sanction of gay marriage, what I am actually opposed to is the government's regulation of marriage at all.  It is not man but God who joins a couple together.  As Jesus said regarding the dissolution of marriage, "Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate" (Matt 19:6).

Mankind, in his arrogance has assumed many rights as he wrongly turns his back on God's right of rule and concern for God's will.  It is called sin and it is based on pride coupled with the will of self-determination rather than accepting the call of God.

It is clear that God determined that marriage was to be that event where "a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh" (Matt 19:5), and that this heterosexual coupling was God's original plan for Jesus said, " the beginning the Creator made them male and female....For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife" (Matt 19:4-5).

He didn't say "made them humans or individuals," but specifically said "male and female" and that it was for that reason - the heterosexual nature of family - that man and woman would separate from their original families and begin one of their own.  This is God's plan according to Jesus Christ.  I accept his words over the Supreme Court's ruling, even though I accept the Supreme Court's right to that ruling for the course of man, which does not embrace the will of God.

The apostle Paul said that we are not to judge "the people of this world [for]....In that case you would have to leave this world" (1 Cor 5:10).  Instead, we are to love and accept them as they are but not accept what they chose that is outside the will of God.  We can accept that it is their right to so choose but not that it is right to make a particular choice.  God gives them and us, the right to be wrong.

God does, by the way, love everyone but the very fact that there is a heaven and a hell, that there will be a Judgment Day, tells us that God will not accept everyone into his heaven.  We have the right to make choices but we mus also accept the responsibility of those choices.  That is why I can never condone or assist in gay marriage - I will not willingly help someone make a choice to turn their back on God will (that would include adultery, fornication, lying, cheating, lust, etc.).

I'm not going to herein take up the argument of whether one is born gay or not.  I am going to say that one has the choice to engage in sexuality and the type of sexuality regardless of or in deference to the will of God.  One may have been born gay but one is not born having intercourse.  On the other hand, if one is born black, they are wearing black skin from the get go and they have no choice to make.

So, to my gay friends and to those who may not regard me as such, I do choose to love you and respect your right to choose your lifestyle and your legal right of same-sex marriage.  I do not choose to endorse it or condone it or embrace it in any way other than your right to be wrong.  Jus' Say'n.

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