Thursday, August 6, 2015

One Mind

Yesterday, after meeting with the Arkansas Director of the VA, a white-haired conservative Caucasian male and a young African-American liberal female stood across from the Capitol Building talking first about the plight of returning veterans and then the course-correction needed in our nation for race relations.  Neither one accused the other, no one raised their voice, smiles could be seen on their faces and laughter was interspersed in their dialogue.

How is that possible?  How is it possible that two people from opposite ends of the cultural/gender/political spectrum could enjoy a conversation regarding a subject that should have drawn a line of division and contention between them?  How?  They were of one mind.  Say again.  They were of one mind.

Their backgrounds were different.  Their experiences were different.  They could not have looked any different if they had come from separate planets.  Nonetheless, they were of one mind - the mind of Jesus Christ.

This is the real call of biblical  unity.  It is not the lockstep of denominational doctrines and dogmas.  It is not in a common agreement on what is allowed, what is required and what is denied.  It is not found in doing the same things in the same way or believing everything to precise detail.  Unity is found in coming together in the same Name, the name of Jesus Christ.

Listen to the words of our Lord: "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matt 18:20).  Do you see it?  Unity is found in the gathering Point, not in the points of the gathered.  The unity God calls us to have is not one of robotic singularity but of holistic empathy.  "May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had" (Rom 15:5).

When together we follow the direction of the same Conductor, we can play our dissimilar instruments in concert.  When we follow the same song leader, we can together harmonize our unique voices.  I can sing tenor, you can sing soprano, another can sing bass and someone else can bring the alto.  The unity is found in the harmony of the Key not in the sameness of the note.

Be of one mind, yes!  That is biblical (see 2 Cor 13:11).  But this one mind is not found in thinking the same thoughts but rather in having the same mindset, a mindset that brings us together even when we have dissimilar thoughts: "In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:5).  Let us have one mind - The Mind of Christ!  Jus' Say'n.

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