Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Brussels is on Fire

Using the same idiom as after the attack on Paris, today the radical Islamicists, following today's bombing in Belgium, are claiming "Brussels is on Fire."  The truth is that the world is on fire.  What we saw in Paris, what we are watching on TV today in Brussels are just small representatives of the global of Islamic Radicals to destroy Western Civilization in their quest take over the world.

While the United States is known as the Big Satan and Israel is known as the Litte Satan, to them, all of the non-Muslim world is devilish and in need of being cleansed by killing or subjugating all but the Muslims themselves.

We see the precursor of this plan not only in the attacks around the world but also in the no-go sections of many European cities, where Sharia Law is set up and the police are denied entrance by force from within the communities.  They are staking claim to Western land, setting up outposts for the expansion of Islam.

All political correctness aside, we are in a world-wide struggle against Radical Islamic Ideology, which follows in the teaching of Mohammed, who sought world-wide domination by force.  I am not saying all or even most Muslims agree with this ideology but enough do to make it a true threat to society.

So what?  What do we, as Christians do about it?  First, recognize the truth of the problem: Evil.  These Islamic Terrorists are not people to be understood and come to terms with, they are the evil outgrowth of an evil root.  Their beliefs call upon them to do evil because fundamentally, their beliefs are evil.  They must be opposed, for "what fellowship can light have with darkness?" (2 Cor 6:14).

Second, we must pray to the. One true God, Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to bring justice.  Only God can truly save, only He can bring an end to this threat, if indeed this threat is not a call for the end itself.  We could be seeing the beginning of the end and, if so, the end will come.  But until we hear the trumpet sound, keep praying "for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness" (1 Tim 2:2).

Finally, let the beauty of Christ be seen in your words and in your deeds.  As Jesus is lifted up in our lives, others are drawn to him, and as individuals are impacted by the love of God, there will be fewer spirits to support the evil of our day.  If we can reach people with the Gospel before ISIS can reach them with propaganda, we can turn heart's  away from the spreading evil.  For, when Jesus is lifted up, he will "draw all men unto himself" (Jn 12:32).  Jus' Say'n.

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