Saturday, March 1, 2014

Ears To Hear

In Matthew 13:1ff, Jesus tells the parable of the farmer who broadcasts seed into a field. Some of the seed falls on the hard path and was eaten by the birds. Some fell on rocky ground and lacked enough root to survive. Some fell on thorny ground and was choked out. But some fell on good soil and grew to produce an abundant harvest. 

The farmer is the Lord, the seed is the Word, the ground is us and the ground conditions are the various things in life which clamor so loudly that it becomes difficult if not impossible to hear the Word. The Word goes out to everyone but not everyone hears it because they are so engrossed in the world and the circumstances of life. 

Some hear but the desires of the heart or the opportunities of life begin to clamor louder and louder as to crowd out the Word of Life, embracing the shallow faux life offered by Satan. 

Some hear but then the circumstances of life and the worries for tomorrow begin to beat the drums of fear so loudly that personal concerns overshadow the message of the Kingdom. 

Then there are those so receptive to the Word that they hear it's life-giving message clearly, they hear the voice of the Good Shepherd and follow Him gladly. When problems arise, they listen for the Master's call instead of the Enemy's clamoring. They hear the promises of God over the propaganda of the Devil. 

To those who hear God's voice above the din of the world and see what is real, Jesus says, "blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear" (Matt 13:16).  Do you?  Do you have ears trained on the Word of God or on the world of goods?  You do have ears, but to what are you listening?  By the Spirit's power, you can develop ears to hear His voice. Jus' Sayn. 

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