Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Wheelbarrow

The story is told of a tight rope artist who, at the turn of the 20th century, stretched a cable across Niagra Falls. He wowed the crowd with his courage and his agility. After proving himself to them, he asked if they believed he could take someone across in a wheelbarrow, to which they all said yes. Then he asked for a volunteer - silence.

They believed he could do what he said but weren't willing to risk getting in the wheelbarrow. They were sure he could do it, just not with any of them. Somehow, that didn't seem very certain. 

God spoke through the prophet Jeremiah saying, "I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?" (Jer 32:27).  The answer, of course, is no. But what if He asked you to "get in the wheelbarrow"?  

What if God asked you to give up your career, sell your house and take your family to a third-world country?  What if He asked you to  open a shelter for the homeless?  What if He asked you launch a street ministry?  You believe God can and does call people and sustain them in such ministries, but do you believe He could use you?

Can God use people to publicly proclaim Hus Word, witness to their neighbors, open their homes to strangers, teach a Bible class, share lunch with homeless people, love their worst enemy, do what they could not do?  Can He do all those things and more through you?  Are you willing to get in the wheelbarrow?  Jus' Askn

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